Thank you for supporting our school community!

Magic Fund is our annual fundraiser to raise critical funding and bridge the gap between what our school receives in public funding from the state ($12,900 per student) and what it actually costs to provide an excellent, personalized, and well-resourced education to our amazing students ($19,700 per student). This year, we aim to raise $250,000 from our community to ensure we can provide the best possible education to our students.

Donations Support Our Amazing Educators

This year’s funding will help us attract, retain, grow, and compensate our educators. Nothing matters more than ensuring that we can attract and keep the best possible teachers in the country -- and, we know the current landscape makes this more challenging than ever post-pandemic. Funding supports three key initiatives:

  • Investing in recruitment & hiring support to attract amazing educators

  • Expanding professional development opportunities so our teachers can attend conferences, visit other inquiry-based schools, and pursue teaching credentials (yes, we offer stipends to get your credential!)

  • Increasing compensation to recognize the incredible efforts of our teachers, the extraordinarily high costs of living in San Francisco, and to stay competitive with SFUSD

Donate Today

Thank you in advance for making a donation to support our school community. You can write a check to NSSF and send to: 940 Filbert Street, San Francisco, CA, 94133. You can also donate by credit card or Venmo below. For wire transfers or stock donations, please email

Participation Matters

If 80% of our families donate to this important cause, we will unlock an additional $70,000 in funding from a group of core funders committed to seeing our school come together. Participation is also an important metric that the state holds our school accountable to, and it helps us secure grants from local foundations when we can show strong community involvement.